Michael Nicholas

- Michael Nicholas
- Addiction Counsellor
Let's Connect
Michael's Story
I have spent the better part of 35 years trying to sort out my Life and my Self.
Then I discovered that Home is wherever I AM – with Clear Mind, Healthy Body, Open Heart, and Free Spirit!
I Stopped Fighting IT and Simply Embrace IT … Life!
I have spent my entire professional life building foundations, homes, roadways, tunnels, and bridges; all of which have inspired within me, a deep appreciation and understanding of the essential nature of foundation and connection in Life…
I have enjoyed navigating with a family and children; letting go of family and unhealthy relationships; choosing myself first; and learning to Love my Self.
To Love me as ME, and to Love me as ALL things!
I have navigated the depth of my self-deprecation through addiction, and NOW JOY-FULLY embrace discovering the value of my own Being, as I walk OUT the other side, and IN to every moment!
My long-life experiences – including among others, navigating through and OUT of the source of my own addictions, and supporting many others in doing the same – have taught me many valuable lessons, knowledge and wisdom, and have ignited within me, a spark of cosmic intelligence, which serves in guidance and action. Now, I endeavor to offer YOU an opportunity to walk such an experience for Your Self; an experience of material release, emotional expression, and spiritual embrace; an experience of you as YOU; an experience of you in LOVE with YOU & ALL.
Michael’s Construction History:
My construction career began at 11 years old, as I assisted the foundation pour and construction of a 2-storey prefab home. At 15 years old I began full-time work for a heating and ventilation company, installing natural gas furnaces and ANB venting in North-Star Mountain condos, in Kimberly, BC; in addition to part-time janitorial work.
At 17, with a team of 5, we completed a development project from start to finish, including property clearing and four-bedroom rancher home build. Then into vinyl siding, drywall, and general construction in Courtenay, BC, until I was 19. From there I moved to Victoria and renovated 4 houses; lifting and building up their foundations off the flood-plane. At 21, with a team of 5, we began building high-end homes in White Rock, BC. Then I moved into manufacturing waterbeds at 24yrs old, and eventually futons and furniture.
In my later 20’s I joined my parent’s company, installing refrigeration, air-conditioning and dehumidifiers in sawmills. At 28 I dove back into construction, siding, and roofing including industrial roofing, tar and gravel, and torch-on. In 1996, at 33, I moved into concrete work and became a Red Seal Journeyman Cement Finisher in 2000.
Twenty-four years as a Journeyman Cement Finisher – with intermittent periods in construction – has allowed me the opportunity to lend a hand in building much of the infrastructure in Vancouver and other near-by cities: seven years building bridges and overpasses; two sky-train projects; an earth-filled dam; projects with “Farmer Construction” in Victoria; curb and gutter sidewalks with Island Asphalt; five years of tunnel construction with Michel’s Co., beginning as a general laborer and working into foreman; directional drilling projects with Michel’s Co.; building high-rises in Victoria with Campbell Construction, in 2016/17; then curb and gutter sidewalks in Edmonton, with Rulam Concrete, in 2017/18; Independent Contracting in Gibsons, in 2018/19, building property infrastructure for a developing sustainable community; high-rise construction in Vancouver, with Lower Mainland Forming, in 2019-2020…
Recently – as I shift my focus toward eco-home building with sustainable materials –
I supported an air-crete dome-home build, together with DomeGaia.com at
House of Energy in Tulum, Mexico, in January 2020!
Now, I embark on my most exciting project to date: The Creation and Structural Development of MECA.Life, at its new home in Courtenay, BC.
… Stay tuned for exciting new workshops,
as we initiate sustainable home building projects with MECA.Life …