EVERY BEING who experiences the fullest expression of them self and their existence, is one more EMPOWERED BEING in this world!
And EVERY BEING who passes through gentle, empowered transition – having RESOLVED all fear, turmoil, and trauma –
is one more BEING who will leave a legacy of LOVE in this world.
I have witnessed the striking distinction between fearful, tumultuous death and peaceful, loving passing.
Consequently, my work is to inspire and support Fearless, Empowered, Peaceful, LOVE-filled transition OUT of this world…
Because this experience is simultaneously Magical, Magnificent, and Miraculous!
For the Dying Being.
Unresolved Trauma processing.
Grief & Fear Counselling.
Communicating unspoken feelings to others.
Body Therapy for somatic pain release.
Let Go/Burning Ceremony.
Celebration of Life.
CAD 3,000
PRE-Death Sessions: 15 hours divided into multiple visits.
Imminent Death: Presence Throughout Transition.
In the Moments After Death.
For the Dying Being & Your Full Circle of Loved Ones.
Navigating & Healing Broken Relationships.
Communicating Unspoken Feelings to each other.
Body Therapy for Somatic Pain Release.
Unresolved Trauma Processing.
Grief & Fear Counselling.
Let Go/Burning Ceremony.
Celebration of Life.
CAD 5,000
PRE-Death Sessions: 25 hours divided into multiple visits..
Imminent Death: Presence Throughout Transition.
In the Moments After Death.
For Family & Friends of a Loved One passed.
CAD $200/hr