
Join Erika Nabuurs on a journey from victimhood to self-empowerment.

Author & Speaker

Erika Nabuurs

Erika Nabuurs, also known as Mele O Ka Naia, has delved into both the written word and the realm of public speaking to share her profound experiences and insights. As a mother, unlicensed Medicine Woman, author, speaker, and visionary, Erika established MECA.Life in 2019, where she introduced innovative restorative health programs like MECA.morphosis™. Her decade-long evolution in various healing modalities has nurtured a passionate dedication to trauma resolution, disease reversal, and the sacred moments of birth and death attendance. Her work revolves around inspiring Dance & Play within each individual, fostering a realm of healing and self-discovery.


Deluded Victim to Enlightened Creator

Drawing from personal and clinical experience in transformative healing, Erika Nabuurs, aka. Mele O Ka Naia, unravels the depths of chronic pain, emotional trauma, and self-imposed limitations.

The book provides tools for real-life transformation, restoring personal integrity, and guiding readers toward a life lived fully in the present moment.

For anyone seeking to emerge from their struggles into the full radiance of their being.


Get ready to embark on your transformative journey. Preorder ‘Deluded Victim to Enlightened Creator’ and step into a life lived fully in the present. Reserve your copy today! Book Release Scheduled for February 2024!

Erika Nabuurs

Speaking engagements

Erika Nabuurs is an impactful speaker known for her engaging talks on trauma resolution, disease reversal, and the integration of healing modalities. Her focus on trauma in service veterans, particularly the “Inner-Child Integration” method, offers a path toward resolving deep-rooted trauma. By helping individuals understand their triggers, feel their emotions, and engage in integration meditation, Erika guides them toward living in peace and joy.

Bringing Erika to Your Event

Erika’s presence at your event guarantees a transformational experience. With her profound insights, impactful “Inner-Child Integration” method, and engaging talks that inspire self-discovery and growth, she becomes an invaluable catalyst for organizations seeking meaningful change and healing. Invite Erika to unleash a wave of transformative impact at your event.