
“When I think of Naia, my heart fills with gratitude. Naia showed up to support me when nobody else would. I was alone, pregnant and in quarantine. When I called Naia, told her about my circumstances, she asked me when was the last time I’d received a hug. It had been over two weeks, I was pregnant with a baby with a neural tube defect and had travelled back to Canada from Costa Rica to receive support in their transition. Naia came to me daily, she treated me with her loving hands, giving me acupuncture and touch therapy. We tried to initiate labour at 20 weeks so I could hold my little one as they took their last breath. The universe had another plan though, and I surrendered. I’m not entirely sure I would have made it through that dark initiation if it wasn’t for Naia’s love and care. She is truly a magnificent human being. I am blessed to know her.”


Comox – Canada

“I was only nine weeks pregnant, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.  I started spot bleeding and I knew in that moment that the pregnancy was ending… It was ten more days before the baby released itself from my womb. In those ten days, I learned the true meaning of going with-IN. I spent time exploring myself, communicating with the babe inside me, and identifying depths of anger and pain and sadness within me that I had never known existed. I recognized so many socially constructed preconceptions that I held of life; so many attachments that I clung to; and expected outcomes that I desired… In those ten days, as I allowed myself to FEEL, EXPERIENCE, and EXPRESS the intensity of my pain and sorrow at my perceived loss; and of my anger and rage at those I felt had caused this outcome, I discovered the OPPORTUNITY to LET GO.

As the babe moved through me – after what felt like a lifetime – I was at peace. I experienced my own birthing into an evolved being! I had been contracting most of the day, and was driving through Stanley Park when I felt Little Flower’s Spirit leave my body. Only a couple short hours later I birthed her tiny body and put her in a little cedar box filled with nature’s treasures. I stared at her body, lying silent and still, and I realized clearly what she wanted, and what we both needed… The next day I drove to a private beach that we both loved. I built a large fire on the tide line and I laid her into it. I held Cer emony there for hours, staying with her until her body had become ash, to ensure that her Spirit was released to the Wind and the Waves as the tide rolled in. She was no longer mine; she never had been! I LET GO of her body, and with it, all of my attachments, preconceptions, desires, and expectations. I LET GO so that both our Spirits could soar FREE. FREE to explore, experience, and BE, without restriction or restraint. FREE to BE LOVE in ALL FORMS.”

Erika Nabuurs

Vancouver, Canadá

“I know that I am approaching the end, and Erika is helping me find peace in that. I often feel lonely and confused about where I am, but I know I must be sick if I am here. Erika spends time taking me out and helping me go for walks, when no one else seems to have time. We often sit and talk together and she listens to my fears. Sometimes she reads, and I remember one book being especially interesting.  It helped me remember that I am God! I am not waiting to meet God, or to be judged by God! I am God and I already live in paradise, here and now!  I felt cheated at first, because they had never told us this in church, but I quickly realized that now I can let go of my fears about death and enjoy myself peacefully in the time that I have left in this paradise on earth.”

A. S.

Prince Edward Island

“As Luna became sicker, I could feel intense sadness setting into our family. I didn’t know how to process it myself, and I didn’t know how to support my kids through it either; but I knew we had to deal with it somehow. I put a request out on FB for a Grief Doula and Erika responded. She came to our home several times in the last weeks of Luna’s life. She spent time with each of us individually and often with our whole family together. She invited us to participate in a ceremony with Luna, which allowed us to connect with her on a deeper level, and really helped me to access my grief and begin expressing it. Through Erika’s counsel, emotional support, and spiritual guidance, we each found ways to express our grief and our pain.  When her time came, we were ready to let Luna go with joy and gratitude for the gift of her presence in our family.”


Vancouver, Canadá